Hey, Camper!

Are you ready for the best week EVER?? If you’ve been to camp with us before, you know just how much fun is ahead. If this is your first time, you might be feeling a mix of excitement and maybe a few butterflies in your tummy. That’s perfectly okay — those butterflies just mean you’re getting ready for an amazing adventure!

At camp you'll make new friends, learn cool things, and have fun experiences you’ll remember for a long time. From the moment you step off the bus, you’ll dive into exciting activities like swimming, hiking, crafts, woodworking and maybe even a campfire with s’mores! Plus, you’ll get to share stories about your day with your new friends and hear theirs too!

Remember, everyone at camp is excited to meet you and help you feel happy and safe. So bring your biggest smile because you’re not just going to camp — you’re going to have the time of your life!

We cannot WAIT to be at RFK Camp with you!


We can’t wait to meet you!