Upcoming Events

Royal Family KIDS Camp
This is a FREE overnight camp offered to children 7-11 years old who are in foster care, kinship care or who have been adopted. Children will have opportunities to swim, explore, participate in music, crafts and plenty of games! There is one camp counselor for every two children, so each child has individualized attention. All volunteers are screened and trained to use the most current best practices within the professional psychological community associated with caring for children who have experienced relational trauma (i.e. Trust-Based Relational Intervention® and The Nurtured Heart Approach®).

Fostering Hope Support Group
The call of Jesus for all his followers is to care for the orphan. It’s a beautiful call, filled with joys and challenges. Having a group of people to walk with for encouragement, support, and prayer is critical. Our hope is that Fostering Hope would be just that…a source of connection, encouragement, and life-giving support for those directly involved in foster care and/or adoption at Park Hill. Meetings are every second Sunday of the month.
Email for more info and to RSVP: fosteringhope@parkhillsd.church

Sound of Hope Movie Night
Park Hill Church is hosting a movie night on Pure Religion Sunday (Nov. 10) and you're invited to attend! "Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot" tells the true story of Donna and Reverend Martin as they ignite a fire in the hearts of their rural church to embrace kids in the foster system. Come experience this film's incredible story and engage in conversations about how to serve vulnerable children in San Diego County.
This is a free event, with popcorn and snacks provided. Feel free to bring your own blanket/chair!
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
Email for more info and to RSVP: fosteringhope@parkhillsd.church

Fostering Hope Support Group
The call of Jesus for all his followers is to care for the orphan. It’s a beautiful call, filled with joys and challenges. Having a group of people to walk with for encouragement, support, and prayer is critical. Our hope is that Fostering Hope would be just that…a source of connection, encouragement, and life-giving support for those directly involved in foster care and/or adoption at Park Hill. Meetings are every second Sunday of the month.
Email for more info and to RSVP: fosteringhope@parkhillsd.church